$1000 per graduate, but they give half away

Last month, billionaire Rob Hale gave $1,000 to each graduating student at U Mass Dartmouth, on the condition that they also donate $500 to a cause of their choice.

Based on my observations, habits of charitable giving precede rather than result from wealth. It would be fascinating to track these students to see if this one event encourages a higher level of lifetime giving.

Huddling under ponchos and umbrellas at the soggy ceremony, the graduates yelled and cheered, their mouths agape, as Hale announced he was showering money upon them. Security guards then lugged the cash-filled duffel bags onto the stage. Hale told the students each would get $1,000. But there was a condition: They were to keep $500 and give the rest away.

Billionaire gives UMass graduates $1,000 each with condition they must give half away | AP News


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Written by

Aaron Miller

Aaron Miller

Provo, UT