Character, Service, and Sacrifice • Chaplain George Youstra • s01e05

Character, Service, and Sacrifice • Chaplain George Youstra • s01e05

What does a career look like when its very purpose is to embody character, service, and sacrifice? It looks exactly like the career of military chaplains. Chaplains play a critical role that touch every aspect of military service, from battlefield counseling to advising the highest levels of command. Being a good chaplain means being an influence for good, building relationships of trust, and continually focusing on others. These are abilities that all of us could use ourselves. Chaplain George Youstra will be our instructor.

About our Guest:

Chaplain George Youstra (Col. ret.) led a distinguished 38-year military career. He most recently served as Command Chaplain for the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM). Prior to that, he served as the Joint Staff Chaplain and command chaplain to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He also advised the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, one of the eight four-star generals he served. Chaplain Youstra, a former Green Beret, is also an ordained minister for the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches.

Useful Links:

Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World, BY: William McRaven

Sea Stories: My Life in Special Operations, By: William McRaven

It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership, By: Colin Powell

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, By: Eric Metaxas

The Servant as Leader, By: Robert Greenleaf

Special Forces Ethics Field Guide: KSL interviews authors Brad Agle and Aaron Miller about their experience consulting the US Special Forces.

Retirement Ceremony for Chaplin George Youstra

About Merit Leadership

At Merit Leadership, we teach ethics as a skill. With innovative training and consulting programs, we can help your organization turn Peril into Opportunity. To learn more, visit

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Written by

Aaron Miller

Aaron Miller

Provo, UT