Giving-Pledge Criminals

Here’s an interesting thought. How many of the Giving Pledge billionaires—those who have promised to donate half their wealth by the time they die—have either been convicted or accused of crimes or other misconduct?

By this analysis, it’s a lot.

  1. I investigate the rates of criminal misconduct amongst people who have taken The Giving Pledge (roughly: ~200 [non-EA] billionaires who have pledged to give most of their money to charity).
  2. I find that rates are fairly high:
    1. 25% of signatories have been accused of financial misconduct, and 10% convicted
    2. 4% of signatories have spent at least one day in prison
    3. Overall, 41% of signatories have had at least one allegation of substantial misconduct (financial, sexual, or otherwise)

Rates of Criminality Amongst Giving Pledge Signatories — EA Forum


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Written by

Aaron Miller

Aaron Miller

Provo, UT