Hope Is More than Optimism

We typically consider a hopeful person to be the same as an optimistic person, but hope is something more. Dr. Kendra Thomas explains:

“In conversation, ‘hope’ and ‘optimism’ can often be used as synonyms. But there’s an important gap between them, as psychology research suggests.”

I did a podcast episode about hope when I interviewed David Williams, former CEO of the Make-a-Wish Foundation. But I really barely scratched the surface of the research. Here’s a glimpse of what more there is to say:

“Hope is stronger than optimism at predicting academic success and people’s ability to cope with pain. Plenty of scientific evidence suggests that hope improves individuals’ health and boosts their well-being.”

Hope is not the same as optimism | The Conversation


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Written by

Aaron Miller

Aaron Miller

Provo, UT