Humility • Prof. Brad Owens • s01e12

Humility • Prof. Brad Owens • s01e12

If you want to improve yourself and could choose only one trait to begin, you should start with humility. It’s called the “mother of all virtues” because it opens the door to all kinds of personal development. But humility is also sorely misunderstood. It isn’t just an internal

History of Innovation • Dr. Anton Howes • s01e11

History of Innovation • Dr. Anton Howes • s01e11

We are surrounded by the fruits of human creativity and innovation. This capacity to improve our world has done immeasurable good. But where does innovation come from and how do we get more of it? Looking back to one of the most potent periods of world history, my guest this

Impact Investing • Geoff Woolley • s01e10

Impact Investing • Geoff Woolley • s01e10

How do we get more money for those who need it? Charity only accounts for less than 1% of all the money globally, and has stayed consistently flat over time. We need more ways to help people prosper. Impact investing is a rapidly growing approach that uses capital markets to


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